Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How To Make RC Airplane With Complete Part List You Needed

Along with times of change, all sorts of aspects of life experience changes towards a better and more modern in terms of human life, the development of technology and so forth.

which was initially very difficult man to its own survival than the current caused so much different from the times and all that go hand in hand with technological advances that are increasingly sophisticated or modern even in the 20th century amusement / toys still on largely operated Manually. but now at -21 century already

experienced many changes, because the tools on a wide variety of toys is already a lot of machine tools combined with the objective that can be controlled remotely and no longer need to be controlled manually clinically like a toy car that pulled the rope.

by the fact that, like the modern era when the now undeniable that everything that was once unlikely to occur or be realized so now whatever we try diligently on the effort eventually will be reached on a large sample. as before people can only move from place to place the other one can only by land and sea alone, and at present everyone is free to choose the path or means she wants, whether land, sea, or air is not hard to find that all of it can not be separated from the development of civilization and technology so that there is flashed in my mind to make a toy related to air transportation that is best. This not only controlled from ATC or air COCPIT but this of remote control plane / transmitter. seems to be more exciting because this game not only make us happy but intelligence will also be tested in aircraft manufacture this remote control,

just let us begin the initial steps:

the first step we have to do to make a remote water lontrol must prepare tools and materials.

equipment and materials used are

BASIC SETUP (60+ mph)

1. Motor: A2212 1000KV outrunner Brushless motors

A2212 1000KV

2. ESC: 30A Brushless ESC

30A Brushless ESC

3. Prop: APC 6x4 (or better recomended)

APC 6x4

4. Battery: 2200 mAh, 11,1V (25C or better recomended)

2200 mAh, 11,1V

5. Servos: 2 each Micro Servo 

micro Servo

6. Radio & Receiver: Any 6-channel or better (2.4 GHz preferred)

Transmitter fly sky 6-channel

Receiver fly sky 6-channe

7. fly control: open pilot

open pilot


1. Cutter

2. Ruler

3. pen / pencil

4. duct tape

5. Wire

6. Glue

7. carton

Materials to be used:

1. The former cork, or foamboard, or depron or fan fold foam can be used with improvised carbon spars where needed

2. flywood or Baswood sheets.

Then you can follow the shape and size below


see the video below to assemble the fuselage! (VIDEO)

Video Test Flight
How To Make RC Airplane With Complete Part List You Needed
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
Posted by: Rc Player Updated at: 10:13 AM

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